DEA is constantly endeavouring to keep an account of controlled substances. Controlled substance diversion is a major concern for DEA and if such diversion comes to notice for anyone keeping controlled substances, it must be reported immediately through DEA form 106.
If a person wishes to report a theft of controlled substances, they must make use of form 106. Negligible inventory and discrepancies must not be reported through form 106. What is the exact nature of loss that should be reported through DEA form 106?
Unexplained loss or any discrepancy should first be reviewed within the registered business area. The following factors should be considered when registering the loss in form no 106.
The quantity of loss from the actual retention controlled substance amount in the business.
If the losses follow a pattern and if there have been some measures taken to reverse the loss.
Following local trends that show signs or have the potential of being involved in the missing control substance diversion.
What specific questions can you ask related to the loss of the controlled substance?
Ask if the pattern of loss was identified and whether it would influence the loss of substantial quality of controlled substances over a period.
Is there a specific amount of controlled substance being lost and is it happening on a steady basis or is it a random loss?
Are any specific controlled substances the subject of diversion?
Can the loss of the controlled substances be traced to a specific individual? Have any unique activities been noticed that can be associated with the loss of controlled substances?
If any of the above doubts should crop up, the registrant should err on the side of caution and must not delay alerting the authorized law enforcement bodies and the DEA via form number 106. If you find it difficult to understand the obligations that need to be fulfilled to fill form DEA form 106, Visit to get in touch with Jack Teitelman and seek his expertise.